Journal papers
- Jordi Albo-Canals, Alex Barco, Marina Umaschi Bers, Daniel Hannon, Marcel Heerink, Martina Heinemann, Kaitlyn Leidl and Emily Relkin (2018), A Pilot Study of the KIBO Robot in Children with Severe ASD. International Journal of Social Robotics, May 2018
- Clara Moerman, Loek van der Heide and Marcel Heerink (2018), Social robots supporting the well-being of children under medical treatment: a systematic state of the art review. Journal of Child Health Care, November 2018. DOI: 10.1177/1367493518803031
- Scholten, T.S., C. Vissenberg, and M. Heerink, Hygiene and the use of robotic animals in hospitals: a review of the literature. International Journal of Social Robotics, 2016. 8(4): p. 499-511.
- Heerink, B Vanderborght, J Broekens, J Albó-Canals (2016) New Friends: Social Robots in Therapy and Education, International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-2
- Smits, C., S. Anisuzzaman, M. Loerts, M. Valenti-Soler and M. Heerink (2015). Towards Practical Guidelines and Recommendations for Using Robotics Pets with Dementia Patients. Canadian International Journal of Social Science and Education, 3 (May 2015): 656-670.
- Valenti-Soler, M., M. Heinemann, S. Anisuzzaman, C. Smits, S. D. Vos, A. P. Muñoz, I. R. Pérez, L. C. Chillón, C. M. Rebolledo, C. P. Muñano, V. I. Carretero and M. Heerink (2015). Picking New Friends: Caregivers and Dementia Patients Choices of Robotic Pets.
Canadian International Journal of Science and Technology, 2 (May 2015): 354-357. - Heerink, M. (2014) Nieuwe vrienden en oude emoties: Het revolutionaire van therapeutische robots.Informatie, maandblad voor de informatievoorziening, augustus 2014
- Heerink, M., B.J.A. Kröse, B.J. Wielinga, and V. Evers (2010) Assessing acceptance of assistive social agent technology by older adults: the Almere model. International Journal of Social Robotics, 2010. 2(3).
- Broekens, J., M. Heerink and H. Rosendal (2009), The effectiveness of assistive social robots in elderly care: a review
Gerontechnology journal, 8(2): 94-103 - M. Heerink, B. J. A. Kröse, B. J. Wielinga, and V. Evers (2009), Influence of Social Presence on Acceptance of an Assistive Social Robot and Screen Agent by Elderly Users, Advanced Robotics 23(14): p. 1909-1923
- M. Heerink, B. J. A. Kröse, B. J. Wielinga, and V. Evers (2009) Relating conversational expressiveness to social presence and acceptance of an assistive social robot Virtual Reality Journal, DOI 10.1007/s10055-009-0142-1. Available online at
- M. Heerink, B. J. A. Kröse, B. J. Wielinga, and V. Evers (2008). The Influence of Social Presence on Acceptance of a Companion Robot by Older People, Journal of Physical Agents – Special Issue on Human interaction with domestic robots, vol. 2
- Heerink, M., Kröse, B.J.A., Wielinga, B.J., Evers, V., Studying the acceptance of a robotic agent by elderly users. International Journal of Assistive Robotics and Mechatronics, VOL. 7, NO. 3, september 2006, pp. 33-43
Conference papers
- M. de Jong, V. Stara, V. von Döllen, D. Bolliger, M. Heerink, & V. Evers (2018). Users requirements in the design of a virtual agent for patients with dementia and their caregivers. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 4th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good.
- Martina Heinemann and Marcel Heerink (2018). Picking a hospital companion – Preferences of Dutch primary school children and medical professionals. Proceedings New Friends 2018 – The 3rd international conference on Social Robots in Therapy and Education, Panama City
- Saskia Van Oenen and Marcel Heerink (2018). RoboPlus: collaborating with coaches of ASD children on the use of social robots. Proceedings New Friends 2018 – The 3rd international conference on Social Robots in Therapy and Education, Panama City
- Robin Scheick, Meijer Esther and Marcel Heerink (2018). Choosing a Robot With ASD Children. Proceedings New Friends 2018 – The 3rd international conference on Social Robots in Therapy and Education, Panama City
- Reensina Eind and Marcel Heerink (2018). Evaluation of the use of a Pleo robot at a child consultation clinic. Proceedings New Friends 2018 – The 3rd international conference on Social Robots in Therapy and Education, Panama City
- Saskia van Oenen, Hanno van Keulen and Marcel Heerink – Social Robotics In Education Involving ASD Children: A Collaborative Design Project. Proceedings New Friends 2016 – The 2nd international conference on Social Robots in Therapy and Education, Barcelona, Spain.
- Clara Moerman,Rianne Jansens, Loek van der Heide, Luc de Witte and Marcel Heerink – How To Introduce A New Technology Into Existing Health Care Practices And Evaluate Its Potential: experiences from the New Pals project. Proceedings New Friends 2016 – The 2nd international conference on Social Robots in Therapy and Education, Barcelona, Spain.
- Robin Steffers, Aaron Pica, Robin Scheick. Peter van der Post and Marcel Heerink (2015) Bonnie: Developing a Very Special Friend. Proceedings of New Friends 2015 – The 1st international conference on Social Robots in Therapy and Education, Almere, The Netherlands
- Martina Heinemann, Meritxell Valenti Soler and Marcel Heerink (2015) Is it real? Dealing with an insecure perception of a pet robot in dementia care. Proceedings of New Friends 2015 – The 1st international conference on Social Robots in Therapy and Education, Almere, The Netherlands
- Vito Mahalla, Marcel Heerink, Peter van der Post and Alex Barco Martelo (2015) Modelling Social Skills and Problem Remote Control Application for Therapeutic Use of a Social Robot. Proceedings of New Friends 2015 – The 1st international conference on Social Robots in Therapy and Education, Almere, The Netherlands
- Jordi Albo-Canals, Carolina Yañez, Alex Barco, Cecilio Angulo and Marcel Heerink (2015) Solving Strategies used by Children with ASD through Cloud Connected Social Robots as Data Loggers: First Modelling Approach. Proceedings of New Friends 2015 – The 1st international conference on Social Robots in Therapy and Education, Almere, The Netherlands
- Tecla S. Scholten, Charlotte Vissenberg and Marcel Heerink Hygiene and the use of robotic animals: an exploration. Proceedings of New Friends 2015 – The 1st international conference on Social Robots in Therapy and Education, Almere, The Netherlands
- Resheque Barua, Shimo Sraman and Marcel Heerink Empathy, Compassion and Social Robots: an Approach from Buddhist Philosophy. Proceedings of New Friends 2015 – The 1st international conference on Social Robots in Therapy and Education, Almere, The Netherlands
- Heerink, M., J. Albo-Canals, M. Valenti-Soler, P. Martinez-Martin, J. Zondag, C. Smits, S. Anisuzzaman, Exploring requirements and alternative pet robots for robot assisted therapy with older adults with dementia, in The International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2013)2013: Bristol
- Heerink, M., Albo-Canals, J., Valenti Soler, M., Martinez Martin, P. (2013) A Kind of Snoezelen – Requirements for a Therapeutic Robot for Older Adults With Dementia According to Caregivers, IEEE RO-MAN: The 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Gyeongju, Korea
- Albo-Canals, J., Heerink, M., Díaz-Boladeras, M., Padillo, V., Maristany, M., Barco, A., Angulo, C., Riccio, A., Brodsky, L., Dufresne, S., Heilbron, S., Milto, E., Choueiri, R., Hannon, D., Rogers, C., Comparing two studies with LEGO Robotics-Based Activities in a Social Skills Training Program for Children with ASD, IEEE RO-MAN: The 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Gyeongju, Korea
- Díaz-Boladeras, M., Saez-Pons, J., Heerink, M., Angulo, C. (2013) Emotional factors in robot-based assistive services for elderly at home IEEE RO-MAN: The 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Gyeongju, Korea.
- Heerink, M., M. Díaz, J. Albo-Canals, C. Angulo, A. Barco, J. Casacuberta and C. Garriga (2012)
A field study on perception of social presence and interactive behavior with a pet-robot with primary school children. Proceedings of Ro-man 2012, Paris, France - Heerink, M. (2011), How elderly users of a socially interactive robot experience adaptiveness, adaptability and user control
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics (CINTI), Budapest, Hungary, November 2011 - Heerink, M. (2011), Exploring the Influence of Age, Gender, Education and Computer Experience on Robot Acceptance by Older Adults. The sixth ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Lausanne, march 2011
- M. Heerink, B. J. A. Kröse, B. J. Wielinga, and V. Evers (2009), Measuring acceptance of an assistive social robot: a suggested toolkit
Proceedings of Ro-man 2009, Toyama, pp.528-533 - M. Heerink, B. J. A. Kröse, B. J. Wielinga, and V. Evers (2009), Measuring the influence of social abilities on acceptance of an interface robot and a screen agent by elderly users. Proceedings of HCI 2009, Cambridge
- Heerink, M., Kröse, B.J.A., Wielinga, B.J., Evers, V. (2008), Enjoyment, Intention to Use and Actual Use of a Conversational Robot by Elderly People. Proceedings of the The third ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Amsterdam, march 2008
- M. Heerink, B. J. A. Kröse, B. J. Wielinga, and V. Evers (2008). The Influence Of Perceived Adaptiveness Of A Social Agent On Acceptance By Elderly Users. Proceedings of ISG 2008 – The 6th International Conference of the Internat ional Society for Gerontechnology, Pisa
- M. Heerink, B. J. A. Kröse, B. J. Wielinga, and V. Evers (2008). The Influence of Social Presence on Enjoyment and Intention to Use of a Robot and Screen Agent by Elderly Users. Proceedings of Ro-man 2008, München
- M. Heerink, B. J. A. Kröse, B. J. Wielinga, and V. Evers (2008). Measuring Perceived Adaptiveness in a robotic eldercare companion
Proceedings of the HRI 2008 Workshop Robotic Helpers, Amsterdam, 2008 - Heerink, M., Kröse, B.J.A., Wielinga, B.J., Evers, V. (2007). Observing conversational expressiveness of elderly users interacting with a robot and screen agent. Proceedings International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), Noordwijk, june 2007, pp. 751-156
- Heerink, M., Kröse, B.J.A., Wielinga, B.J., Evers, V. Human-Robot User Studies in Eldercare: Lessons Learned.
Proceedings ICOST, Belfast, june 2006, pp. 31-38 - Heerink, M., Kröse, B.J.A., Wielinga, B.J., Evers, V. The Influence of a Robot’s Social Abilities on Acceptance by Elderly Users.
Proceedings RO-MAN, Hertfordshire, september 2006, pp. 521-526
Books & chapters – Boeken & hoofdstukken
- Jessica Rijnboutt, Marcel Heerink en Pim Kruijt (2020)
Ethiek in ICT en techniek. Amsterdam: Pearson Education - Marcel Heerink (2019) Een bemoedigende gids voor sociale robots. Soesterberg: Uitgeverij Aspekt. ISBN 978-94-61535-28-3
- Marcel Heerink (2018) A Compassionate Guide For Social Robots. The Netherlands: E3. ISBN 978-9082977905
- Ramon Daniels en Marcel Heerink (red.) Sociale Robots in de Zorg. Heerlen, Hogeschool Zuyd, Almere, Hogeschool Windesheim Saskia van Oenen en Marcel Heerink (2017), Nieuwe Maatjes – De therapeutische inzet van sociale robots bij kinderen in de zorg. Almere, hogeschool Windesheim, ISBN 978-90-77901-84-7.
- Saskia van Oenen en Marcel Heerink (2017), Nieuwe Maatjes – De therapeutische inzet van sociale robots bij kinderen in de zorg. Almere, hogeschool Windesheim, ISBN 978-90-77901-84-7.
- M Heerink, M De Jong (2015) Proceedings of New Friends 2015 – The 1st international conference on Social Robots in Therapy and Education. Almere: Windesheim University
- Loerts, Marijke; Soler, Meritxell Valenti; Heerink, Marcel; Bemelmans, Roger (2014) Knuffelen met nieuwe vrienden – een handreiking voor zorgprofessionals bij de inzet van robotdieren in de zorg voor mensen met dementie. Almere: hogeschool Windesheim
- Loerts, Marijke; Soler, Meritxell Valenti; Heerink, Marcel; Bemelmans, Roger (2014) Cuddling with new friends – A compilation of guidelines for care professionals when using robotic animals in the care of people with dementia. Almere: Windesheim University
- Heerink, M. (2013) Zolang je robot maar van je houdt – Hoe en waarom onze wereld verandert door de onstuitbare opkomst van de robots Schiedam: uitgeverij Scriptum
- Heerink, M., Pinkster, S. en Bratti-van der Werf, M. (2012) Onderzoek in Zorg en Welzijn Amsterdam: Pearson Education
- Marcel Heerink en Jessica Rijnboutt (2010), Argumenteren. Amsterdam: Pearson Education.
- Heerink, M., (2010) Assessing acceptance of assistive social robots by older adults. PhD Thesis. University of Amsterdam.
- Marcel Heerink (2008). iCat in de ouderenzorg – een acceptatiestudie
In: Helianthe Kort, Anneloes Cordia, Luc de Witte, Langdurende zorg en technologie
Den Haag: Uitgeverij Lemma, pp. 339-342 - Marcel Heerink (2008) Praktische schrijfgids (tweede editie). Amsterdam: Pearson Education.
- Marcel Heerink (2006), Rapporteren. Amsterdam: Pearson Education.
- Marcel Heerink (2006), Rapporteren voor techniek en ICT. Amsterdam: Pearson Education.
- M. Heerink (2015) – New Friends, here to help – Invitation to New Friends 2015, the 1st international conference on Social Robots in Therapy and Education, Almere, Windesheim Flevoland
- Bemelmans, R., Gelderblom, G., Heerink, M. (2014) ‘Nieuwe Vrienden, Oude Emoties’, Heerlen, Hogeschool Zuyd.
- M. Heerink, B. J. A. Kröse, B. J. Wielinga, and V. Evers (2008), Video: Responses to a social robot by elderly users
presented at IROS 2008, the IEEE/RSJ 2008 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Nice, 2008 - Heerink, M., Kröse, B.J.A., Wielinga, B.J., Evers, V., Video – iCat in Eldercare, In C. Bartneck & T. Kanda (Eds.) HRI Caught on Film,
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Washington DC, march 2007, pp. 177-184