
Current/recent projects



  • RoboPlus – An international project on social robots for children with autism, focusing on the ideas and practices of professionals working with these children, using commercially available robots. Partners are care institutions and universities from The Netherlands, Spain and Belgium.
  • New Pals – An international project on social robots for hospitalized children, used as therapeutic tool for pre- and post-operative treatment. Partners are care institutions and universities from The Netherlands and Spain.
  • New friends, old emotions – An international project, financed with a SIA-RAAK funding, on pet robots for older adults suffering from dementia. Partners are care institutions and universities from The Netherlands and Spain.

Project partner

  • Living Well with Anne – A EU Horizon 2020 (AAL) project on a social interface in a smart living environment for older adults with dementia. Partners are companies and universities from The Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy and Luxembourg.
  • Meaningful application of social robots in care – A Dutch project by Vilans (health insurance) and ZonMW (health research funding), aimed at supporting care professionals with a focus on dementia care.
  • Social Robots in Care – An international project, financed with a SIA-RAAK funding, on social robots in care. Partners are care institutions and universities from The Netherlands, UK and Italy.
  • The development of a robotic companion for children with autism spectrum disorders –Developing a prototype robot companion to children with ASD working on improving their social skills. Partners are care institutions and universities from The Netherlands, US, Chili and Spain.
  • Measure the effect of LEGO engineering and its collaborative nature on the development of social skills in children and adolescents with ASD. Objectives are (1) to measure the effect of LEGO engineering and its collaborative nature on the development of social skills in children and adolescents with ASD and (2) to observe the engineering skills and processes of children with ASD. Partners are care institutions and universities from The Netherlands, US, UK and Spain.
  • PATRICIA – A Catalan project on Pain and Anxiety Treatment based on social Robot Interaction with Children to Improve pAtient experience.
  • KIBO at Centro Ann Sullivan – A project at the Centro Ann Sullivan in Panama City on using robot play to stimulate the development of social skills in mentally challenged children. Partners are care institutions and universities from the Netherlands, Spain, US and Panama.